jak pewnie niektórzy już zauważyli to na mail'ach grup U1 i W1 są skany kserówek rozdawanych przez "Lisice". Podziękowania należą się koledze automatykowi
![]() Większość pewnie zgubiła kartki z tematami więc umieszczam : 1. Stress in your life - how does it influence your health? How do you cope with it? 2. What illnesses are people most frightened of these days and why? Do you think they are a real threat? 3. The stereotypical image of the Polish - what are our strengths and weaknesses? 4. Traveling by plane - is there a reason to be afraid of it? 5. Harsher punishments reduce number of crimes. Discuss. 6. Climate change - do you believe there is anything to be worried about? 7. Body language - why is it important to be aware of it? 8. Sleep deprivation - is it a problem of modern society? 9. Which is the most influential mass-medium and why? 10. Discuss problems of modern cities... 11. What do you consider the most significant scientific discovery ever. 12. Honesty - what does it mean to you? Is it difficult to live up to its standards? 13. Talk about a company you would like to work for in the future. 14. Advertising - how does it work? 15. Language is an important part of every nation's identity and the best way to protect it is to prevent any foreign linguistic influence. Discuss. Na jutro trza o tym napisać na stronę bodajże... |